Wednesday, September 17, 2008

little miss pretention

so TIFF was amazing, going to it and volunteering at it. We did catch only two movies which was sort of a bummer but both were really really good, and Canadian haha. We saw Cooper's Camera and Ponypool. Both films are completely different but it was good to have the directors there to speak. ALSO Brian DePalma was in the audience for Pontypool, which was so cool.

It was really interesting to scan passes and see the types of people reviewing movies. The faces of the people contributing to the scope for film through criticism. I felt like I knew a lot about film at some points and nothing at others. A lot of people use their criticism to reinforce their self worth and their knowledge is not of passion at all. It was for them all about making themselves look good, and the actual movie mattered little. This was discouraging initial but once you dig, the ones with passion reveal themselves. It was refreshing.

I did party at the Park Hyatt, in a dress and heels even. It was an interesting scene, but the rooftop VIP party was so much fun!

Now back to Greek, where in which i will most likely finish the entire 1st season by tonight and then we are hitting up hump day bump at wrong bar. woot woo.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

labour of love

labour of love was Sunday night and it was AMAZING.

admittedly, the tickets were very pricey and the line was very long and full of dbags to get in. Johannah and I went with Adam, Ashely and Becky and the hardest part of the whole thing was staying in a group. The venue was the guvernment, and i have never been in a place so big. The min room itself was big, but there were different kinds of bars throughout the whole things, even on the roof. Mstrkrft was in the tent and we caught him, which was pretty sick.

Then the best part of the night for me, Steve Aoki. For the first part we were at the very front dancing it up, and periodically he would jump from the table his DJ set was on and party with the crowd. At one point he fell on some people including Johannah, and then i accidentally groped him....okay well sort of accidentally.

After the epicness of Aoki, it was 5 am and we decided to leave. The party was until 9 but we had seen all we wanted, and all the rockstar/red bulls were starting to wear off. We wondered aimlessly for a bit, overly excited with what we just experienced. Jo and I caught a cab and found the nearest place to eat, which happened to be the Golden Griddle. It was amazing, the whole night. We wondered home and got into bed very happy at 7 am.