Friday, January 29, 2010

A Single Man

I watched an interview with Tom Ford a month ago where he stated that his filmmaking and his fashion are two separate entities. After watching A Single Man, it was clear to me that he was being a little too ambitious about that statement, which worked wonderfully. Not only was the fashion of the film completely breathtaking, interesting and remarkably diverse, but the cinematography was on point. The sudden outburst of colour at opportune times during the film really called to popular film as an art. Yes, it was a pretty film, but what was even more surprising was the complexity and precision of the plot. A fashionable film is often devoid of a decent storyline, but Colin Firth as a grieving professor was particularly intriguing. He showed great depth, and I understood some of the hype around his performance. A Single Man is essentially Tom Ford's wet dream, but who cares when it works out so well!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

James Cameron, racist.

Okay so I am being a little facetious with the title, but was anyone buying it? Not only is it basically the plot line to Dances With Wolves (and I'm sure I am the millionth person to point it out) but it's so blatantly problematic. Apparently coming up with an 'alien race' really meant blending a couple that already exist on earth. Wow, SUCH creativity. Furthermore, the white man saves the day again? And not only that he does it while posing as an Avatar. Sure, they've accepted him into their tribe, but somehow by the end of the film the message is: White man can perform your identity better than you can. It's silly, and I can't believe that in 2010 this kind of shit is still being made, and not only that but POPULAR. Don't even get me started on the ablest problems as well. I just think that there should be more questioning of these portrayals of identity, and more accountability. Avatar, really?!!