Monday, May 10, 2010

Hot Docs Recap

I got sick during Hot Docs this year so unfortunately I didn't get to see as many movie as I wanted. I bought the late night pin for $10 and saw 4 movies, so i am happy i got my moneys worth. Here's some thoughts on each one.

On the whole the topic was interesting, but there needed to be a little more liberties with the editing. It kind of felt like this moderately talented documentarian fell upon a really good story. It does really ring true for those of us who grew up with the advent of the internet though. I remember going into chat rooms when I was 9 and people asking a/s/l, to which i always answered 16/f/california. It seemed totally normal to me at the time, but i guess is kind of disturbing in retrospect.

Parking Lot Movie
For what was probably a student film this was amazing. Take a boring monotonous job and infuse really interesting characters and you've got an interesting film. Almost everything about it evoked working at Queen Video, all the in-jokes and shenanigans and pranks we pull. Also, the drummer from Yo La Tengo was in it.

People Vs George Lucas
I saw this on May 4th, and I waited in line. One could say I am kind of a Star Wars nerd, though I don't own any apparel or movies. They are representative of my childhood and my love of movies, though. I liked this doc, it was charming though lets face it the topic has been well charted. After watching it all I wanted to do was go home and watch the original Star Wars.

We Don't Care About Music Anyway...
This one was basically all Japanese noise rock which would normally be a turn off, but it was so artfully done and so deep (hate to sound cliche). One guy hooks up lights to his chest and they flicker with his heart beat while he is performing in the dark. It is worth it for that scene alone, but the doc had so much more to offer.