Wednesday, July 9, 2008

attack of the flies!

there are a lot of flies in my room. not fruit flies, fatty flies that look they have been eating away like piglets. i can see their arms move when i look at them, and then i kill them one by one. the only thing is that there are so many of them, buzzing around, catching the corner of my eye. the most annoying kind of bug on the planet in large numbers in my room. but why?

i've scoured my room looking for food. nothing. nadda. zip. it is messy i know, but there is not food laying about, just little papers i jot movie codes down on for work. if not the food then they are attracted to the light, but they still evade me. i question friends, and i worry. i thought i killed them all the other day. where are these flies coming from in such great numbers? through my window, perhaps.

should i sleep tonight? i must. should i worry? is this healthy? will there be more flies in the morning, buzz around. up my nose, in my ears. they are fatty flies. the john goodman of flies. if these flies were human they would have trouble fitting through door frames, and sitting at restaurants. are these special metro toronto flies? they can't be. what have they been eating and where is it hiding?

my room feels clausterphobic because of this problem. no room for the new DJ set yet. lame. i will be cleaning until i sleep...which will probably be in the near future. i need to get rid of this problem. ill by fly tape tomorrow.

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