Wednesday, August 27, 2008

dissing the kids on degrassi

Johannah's mom is knitting me a hat. This is pretty much the most exciting thing ever to me right now.

Aside from such epic news, the Faint show was brilliant. They played a solid set, and every single song I wanted to hear, save Symptom Finger. The crowd was really into it too which was good because they are one of those bands that depend on a dancy atmosphere to be entertaining live. The use of video projections was actually really cool too, so much so that i caught myself staring at them instead of the band.

I am gearing up for TIFF which is something I was wanted to do for years. I'll most likely get to see three films with my hectic schedule but they are pretty much free for me AND Jo (im nice like that) for volunteering.

We did go see Hamlet 2 during Ralfie/Rafie/Rafael's visit. it was mediocre, but i had very low expectations. The visit on the other hand was good, we had fun. Raf came for a brief stop over from Brazil and now he is en route to Vancouver. Actually he left yesterday so I am assuming he is there by now.

I should tell you too that you should listen to Delta 5. I was at work and my coworker put it on and I liked it. I've listened to The Slits before, but not this band and I cant stop listening to it. Their debut single "Mind Your Own Business" is savage.

OH and Thania's wedding went over nicely. I am anxious to the sweet video footage I took haha as the videographer. I am glad I now have a tent, because no matter what I will never live in a box. It's like social security. Hahah. just kidding...sort of...

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