Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July! July!

Two plays were seen, on last night and one the night before. The one last night, Zombie Dialogues, was amazing. Sometimes Fringe Festival events are a gamble but this one had me laughing most of the way through. I mean, come on, it's Zombies, what could go wrong really?

The second was How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Abortion, which seemed really controversial but wasn't. Still, the story provided an interesting take on the matter but wasn't as entertaining as Zombies.

I missed Ladytron's free show, which was a drag, but thats the fun of taking a Friday night shift, not that I could say no.

OH and I got two free turntables, so watch out for my DJ debut in the near future. I am still taking suggestions for DJ names.

I keep forgetting to update, mostly because I am away from my computer often, but I promise soon i'll hae pages and pages of fun cool things ive done. Just you wait. haha.

1 comment:

Tj Alston said...

DJ Vitti

It's kind of obvious.