Wednesday, March 25, 2009

8 Things That SUCKED About the Watchmen

i should preempt this by saying that I SNUCK into the Watchmen, and I wish I could take it back. I know what you're thinking, too much film snobbery, but this is the most conservative right wing comic book adaptation i've ever seen. I don't care how true to the graphic novel it's supposed to be, it's 2009, it's not cool to present such a problematic film. So the list.

1) The sound track. Leonard Cohen for a raunchy less than romantic sex scene? Really? I feel the soundtrack was basically somebody's ipod left on shuffle.
2) Okay, "Pink Triangle" company being evil. The gay characters are either villains or are killed. What a positive representation. Also, thanks for saying "indecent life style" when talking about lesbians. Don't try to argue Rorschach meant it in a good way, because he was going on a rant about how awful and morally corrupt the city was becoming.
3) Too much blue penis. We see it, it's there, but seriously the au naturale thing is no fun on the big screen. Yeah, i don't like penis in general but this was too much.
4) Malin Akerman sounds like Drew Barrymore, and nobody likes her voice. She also looks like every other Hollywood starlet, but not in a good way.
5) The really cheesy sex scene, what is this 300? (edit: Oh man Zack Snyder directed that too...)
6) The script was trying too hard to sound film-noir-esq but came off as an excerpt from a 15 year old emo kid's diary.
7) At first I like the slow motion effect, but it got to be way too much. The effect was like watching my grandmother attempt to open a jar. You just want to take from her and do it yourself, but you can't.
8) I probably would have paid NOT to see it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Wrestler , Ben X

I FINALLY saw the Wrestler, and it's a bit later so a lengthy review would most likely be redundant. At work the review were mixed. Most people really loved it but a couple people detested it, especially a guy I work with who loves wrestling and Aronofsky. I end up being thoroughly entertained, especially by Mickey Rourke's portrayal of a two parts sad one part well-meaning Randy "The Ram" Robinson. We all (should) remember the wrestling craze of our childhoods if it was in the 80's or 90's, and even may remember a few mock WWF matches with siblings or neighbors, so a depiction of the life of a wrestler today is an interesting topic. The humor is really interesting. Also, Marisa Tomei does a good job as a stripper, she really thew herself into the role. I should give her props for being nude most of the film at 45 years old, she looks amazing. And the acting, well lets just say she looks amazing.

Ben X is a Belgian film about an Autistic boy who uses an online video game to escape the constant bullying. Films that attempt to delve inside mind with such a diagnosis often times get tripped up in the barrier that linear filmaking often puts up. Non-linear films to match non-liner thinking are almost the only way to be somewhat realistic, but at the same time loses touch with its audience. Ben X juggles this issues pretty well, despite the fact Ben is either victimized or vilified for the first half of the film. The ending has a compelling twist, which make us for some messing editting directly beforehand.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fired Up!

Obviously Fired Up is not a film that should be taken seriously, but what is so great about it is that it doesn't take itself seriously. It's terribly quotable, and a lot of fun to watch. Yes, I'm predispositioned to the inclusion of a lesbian character, but the writers are careful that we are not laughing AT her but with her. It's not a homophobic film, though admittedly, it is problematic at times. By the end credits, where the laughs aren't over yet, it's a solid and satisfying film and worth my seeing it TWICE. Yes, Twice. what? there were CHEERLEADERS!

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Not Me, I Swear!

A lot of good films have been coming out of Quebec in the past five years or so (read: C.R.A.Z.Y) and It's Not Me I Swear is no exception. It's both charming and heartbreaking, with such an adorable lead actor, it's hard to hate him for his evil deeds. Like most Canadian movies, it's hard to see so if you ever get the chance definitely check this one out! <5/5>

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Working Girl

It's been 11 years and boy does it show. The writing is pretty campy by today's standards, but if you can get passed it's pseudo feminist efforts that fail miserably the writing is entertaining. While watching this movie I kept thinking that my parents dressed and partied this way and I couldn't stop laughing. The actors must look back on this movie an laugh too while simultaniously blushing from embarassment, except Melanie Griffith, it was a high point for her. Poor Melanie. It's stupid but it's ridiculous in a the best way. Come on: "I am not steak, you can't just order me." Or " I got the head for business and the bod for sin" golden.

March 8th, 2009

This week: Wendy and Lucy, Rachel Getting Married and Battle in Seattle.

First up, welcome to a new conception of an old blog. I figured that being a video store clerk gives me access to a lot of films, and clearly I'd make the most of said free films. I also go to the theaters quite a bit, and don't really have a canvas for my opinion on them. Well, until now at least. Anyway, enough with intros

Wendy and Lucy
There was a certain amount of hype surrounding this movie, so I went into it thinking i'd stumble upon a gem. It wasn't quite it, but I was happy to have seen it. Michelle Williams has flowered into quite the actress since Dawson's Creek, and I loved her in Synecdoche, New York. Her acting is quiet well done in a film where very little happens, but that's the point. It was interesting though arduous. I was glad that it wasn't one of those slow for art sake films, that relishes too much in itself. It was gritty and bare in such an acute way, which is very rare. Of course, one has to go into this film knowing that its not an entertainment film, but it is still worth a gander. So many horrible things happen to William's character (Wendy) and yet I left the film thinking about roadtriping in a car by myself.

Rachel Getting Married
I have to start this off by saying I strongly dislike Anne Hathaway as an actress. Her voice/face annoys me, which I realize is horribly pejorative. That said, I really liked Rachel Getting Married not despite of Ms Hathaway but because of. Play a bitchy, self involved drug addict is an easy route to being annoying no matter who you are. Hathaway's complaining, her constant need for attention and constant personal turmoil that pulls her whole family into the tornado with her leaves an unsettling feeling. I didn't know whether to cheer for her or wish she'd off herself initially, but once I let the film take me in I sat back and watched Jonathan Demme present an interesting and ultimately realistic character exist on screen. By the end, I felt thankful for the privilege.

Battle in Seattle
Rarely do films come out where I actually remember new casts about them happening (save 9/11) so I was interested on seeing a dramatic take on the Battle in Seattle. I watched This Is What Democracy Looks Like a couple weeks before I watched this film and in the end, Battle in Seattle is a completely inflated and overly indulgent movie. It takes individual people, gives them ridiculous story lines and throws them into a protest in an effort to show how dire the situation was. Actually, the only time I really got that were from the documentary clips put into the film. Somehow the movie managed to take away the spirit of unity that was so obviously evident in the footage of the battle in Seattle. Read the wikipedia entry, it's more enlightening.

Added Original Score:
New Metric Leak:

(thanks amanda)