Monday, August 31, 2009

The Inglorious Hills

Okay, so I was lazy with the title.

I've been failing as a video store clerk lately, and haven't been watching too many movies, and by that I mean i've only watched 4 this week. Mostly all my spare time has gone to writing and watching the Hills. At first I thought, what a bunch of rich mindless girls concerning themselves with the most minute things, and I watched it because I wanted to watch something light. It became sort of a guilty pleasure, and i've been watching it (on DVD) until pretty late at night. I think, for me, being in basically the complete opposite position it was kind of like watching people at a zoo, which sounds pretty condescending, but it's because i can't identify with most of it. THEN i sort of realized, they arent as stupid as they initially sound, and sometimes they would say things I would say or use certain phrases etc. This is not to say I identify with the girls of the Hills, it just became more fascinating than revolting. I especially like Whitney. I read she got a degree in Gender Studies, which made me feel less bad about finding her the most interesting character/person. I still don't know where I stand on the show or it's characters, but I do know that it can be fascinating stuff. At hte very least, it has the best establishing shots of any TV show. Seriously, despite all the ipod billboards, they are beautiful.

I spent so much time talking about the Hills, and sort of defending my interest that i haven't talked about seeing Inglorious Basterds.

Everytime I try to hate Quentin Tarantino, he makes a movie like this. I don't dislike him as a director per se, mostly how he is taken up. I do dislike how much he "creatively borrows" from other films. Putting Uma Thurman in the exact same outfit in Kill Bill as Bruce Lee in Game of Death is more than just a nod, considering half-wits now identify it with Uma instead of Bruce. Not quite his fault, but still, pretty lame. Back to the film , I love violence nuanced with nonchalant humour, and Tarantino pulls it off so well. Cinematography wise it was really good, too. He just seems to have a humour about himself through film that I can't help but like. You win again, Quentin, you win again.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Last Days of Disco

I recently watched Last Days Of Disco, which is a new addition to the criterion collection. Starring a stunning Chloe Sevigny and a deliciously bitchy Kate Beckinsale, the film chronicles the life/nightlife of a group of intertwined upper class characters during the fall of Disco. What I liked initially was the banter, and how identification with it kind of wavered. Sometimes I'd think, these people are terrible and other times I'd agree with what they were saying, and identify with their passion in a musical movement no matter how fad-laden. I think Wit Stilman wanted that to happen since the characters are not heroicised, but you can't help to feel a bit sorry for them when Disco Dies and they refuse to accept it. Not being a recent Harvard grad, in fact a debt ridden post grad, I couldn't help but like the fact that everything they've scrutinized and invested so much pretension in ultimately breaks down and dies. I guess that's what happens when you take yourself too seriously.

Friday, August 14, 2009


oh hey blog, what's up? I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? Just kidding, but really i'm slacking on this thing! What is humorous is that i've been doing very little except watching movies but without the internet it's difficult to update. I could type it out on my Blackberry, but that's too arduous, and plus the typos would run more rampid than herpes at an ACDC concert, but I digress.

District 9
I scored free passes to see this one early, which already put me in a good mood. The movie itself did not disappoint, even though we had to wait 20 minutes before they got the thing running. The first half of the film is plot heavy, while the second half is action heavy which ended up working out quite nicely. The plot works to humanize the aliens, and the decision to yield on the action only works to build up the latter half. This build up and amazing execution renders pretty much the best results imaginable. It's like a roller coaster ride, and if I would have had to pay $13 to see it, it would most definitely be worth the it.

Well its late and I work, so I am going to shoot off 5 recommendations before I go:

Code Unknown
Juliet of The Spirits
House (Japanese)
Towering Inferno

okay the last one isn't a good film per se, but it's so much fun to watch 70's disaster flicks! Did I just say "Shoot Off"? Yeah..i'm leaving...