Monday, October 12, 2009

Feminist FlashBack: Born In Flames

As part of my independent higher learning, I'm ghost taking a course. By that I mean, I have the syllabus, and I am just going through it myself by watching the films and doing the readings. Most of it 've already done in previous classes but there are a few films I haven't seen, one of them being Born In Flames. From the title song that plays throughout to the seemingly found footage implanted at opportune times, Born In Flames caputres the feeling of a movement in one of the most provocative ways i have seen to date. Since I usually concern myself with as many female filmmakers, women's films, and anything of feminist interest, I figured there was a reason i hadn't seen this yet. Midway through, and after I cleaned up all the drool from being so enamored with it I asked myself WHY haven't I seen this? And furthermore, is that Kathryn Bigelow? The answer is, yes it is, and not seeing this film must be a fluke. Born in Flames put all of the femnist film theory, particularly that of constructing a women's history through it's own filmic means, into perspective. Watch and learn, ladies (and gentleman), watch and learn.

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