Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Horror-Comedy tends to be a pretty interesting genre because it seems to be easy to mess it up since you have to turn horrific events into something comical. Zombieland takes a nerdy kid, turns him into a reluctant killer and pairs him with the complete anti-thesis to him. The hilarious rules, mixed with well-placed narration over pretty gorey zombie killings is perfect. I knew i'd like it from the opening credits, and the film upholds throughout, though falling a little too sentimental for my tastes about a 3/4 of the way through. The BEST part for me was Emma Stone in a pretty breakout performance and of course the Bill Murray cameo. Seriously, i laughed until I cried at that part. Add in the "Zombie Kill of The Week" and you realize that the writers had just as much fun writing the film as you did watching it.

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