Monday, June 30, 2008

post apocalypse parade

wake up, sort of. worry about money, payments missed, but not mine. back to bed, let's try this again.

let's drink wine and make matching shirts. let's coordinate colours. lets meet up with some friends. j behind starbucks. lee's palace. cherry bomb.

the dj's were good, the crowd eventually arrived and fun was definitely had. the weekend looked very promising. let's celebrate being us (and not them?).

then came another j behind starbucks, are we trying to make a political statement? no. let's get stuck in a half-broken shopping cart and take pictures. hilarity ensues. head to get food with a shoddily drawn map. it tastes like treasure. let's listen to some dbag trying to sound smart and tops it off with an ill-placed use of "postmodernism". head home, not mine though.

wake up. flood. fuck. let's try this again.

wake up. get ready and go to the dyke march. they're cheering for us. happy. excited. i'm speechless.

run into everyone I know. j on private property. ICE CREAM. delicious delicious ice cream and cake. hotel room. uh huh her concert. strive to catch a glimpse, just a glimpse. stand in line for Snatch. cheese and crackers, how practical. get in to wait some more. hurry up and wait? silence.

head home, wallet lost. fuck. sleep.

wake up, figure it out, and eat an overly priced buffet. miss the parade. it's looks like we survived an apocalypse. everything is less illuminated, but we soak up the aftermath as best we can. let's meet up and burn one. wander and then home.

hbox the car? why not. to the beaver, wait in line. the woman is a spectacle, as she talks to us about the evils of the white man. she also apparently slept with alexander the great. i wonder how close genius and insanity are. drink inside. head to the rooftop.

the four of us, on a roof top with parts of the city in a view i have never seen. i reclaim my perspective.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Days are seemingly bleeding into other days, and by the time I have a moment to write it all down i realize an entire week has passed. At any rate, a recap is necessary, but I am not making any promises in the way of chronology.

Jo and I went to go see Young People Fucking (the movie, perv). It was very hyped for me, so I thought it best to see it. In the end, it really did live up to what I was expecting, and its tongue-and-cheek approach to certain things with an honest approach to other really worked well. It 's a film that stay on one topic, while simultaneously showing how complicated it can be in a multitude of (heterosexual) experiences.

The other day there was a rainbow in the sky and Johannah said "aww there is a rainbow in the sky for pride...take THAT christians", which was amusing. Speaking of Pride, I must say that I am very exited for this weekend. Not only will I get to see the parade, but i'll also get to see many of my awesome friends.

I worked at two different stores this weekend, covering shifts, one on Queen St. W and the other on College. The one of Queen St. was fun, but my usual store on Bloor was definitely the best to be trained at. I like it.

I just watched Bickford Schmeckler' Cool Ideas, and I really liked it. It was quaint and the soundtrack was amazing (the faint did the first song, so i knew i'd like it). I heard of the film awhile ago in my Olivia Wilde crushing days so I was glad that my store had it. Woot Woot.

Speaking of the Faint. Their new albums comes out the 5th of August and I am very excited. They posted a new song on their myspace, which i never go on but I made an exception for them. I'd suggest listening the "The Geeks Were Right". For reals.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Try to get the blonde, she looks like a young Monica Vitti"

Thank you in advance to Officer Wang, who kindly not only found my wallet and got in contact with my parents (which i am excited/surprised was in my wallet) but for the money that is still apparently still intact. Tomorrow I have to phone around, but I am confident it will be in my hands, and all will be well. I suppose I should thank some higher being, but in the end this just fortifies my belief in things working themselves out eventually.

Lately some have been commenting on my need to mention films in this blog, about my life here in Toronto. Since I am almost always a character of routine, I'll continue with said theme. I just watched The Squid and The Whale. Noah Baumbauch really had me wooed with Kicking and Screaming, and this film followed the same melange of wit and comedic sense of irony while simultaneously maintaining a consistent direction. Seemingly shocking elements are given a mundane twist through use of an overanalytical and unemotional dialogue which proves both interesting and entertaining. I really enjoyed the Monica Vitti reference too (obviously haha). In short, you should see this film.

I also watched the documentary Dig about The Dandy Warhols and Brian Jonestown Massacre. It was really really interesting, and I am glad that Dan from my work (shout outs) recommended it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

E to B

Last week was pretty hectic, mostly because I worked everyday of the week. Last weekend was fun, we went to go see Death Cab For Cutie/Stars/Rogue Wave/Young Galaxy. It was actually a phenomenal show and at a perfect location.

Yesterday after some wandering we went to go see the Happening. Wow. It is messed up, and really graphic. There are some truly frightening parts and some funny parts. There is an interesting mixture of horror with Mark Wahlberg playing his character from I Heart Huckabees. It was a ride though, i'll say that much. Then we headed off to the Beaver for drinks with friends.

I also just watched Control. It was a really dark film, and the choice to have it all done in black and white added to the melancholy feel to the film. So many things lay unfulfilled in the story, but I guess that is inevitable when dealing with a film that ends in a suicide about the lead singer of Joy Division.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

there is a light that never goes out

Jo and I went to go see Rilo Kiley, which was fun, very spur of the moment, and pretty much everything I expected it to be.

I have been working a lot lately, which I don't mind since I love my job. I am currently watching Death Race 2000, and reaping the benefits of free movies really makes me feel like I am carrying on my film education. The basics are covered, and now I get to converse with people about what to watch and have immediate access to it. I am however, sad that I am missing my store's sweet DVD sale (thats like 2 DVDs for $6), BUT i have to miss it on account of my convocation.

I am pretty excited to graduate officially, and I even got a sweet outfit to wear. I can't believe it's final but at the same time i catch myself saying thing like "back when i was in school" like it was ages ago to customers.

ps- life is pretty much awesome right now. awesome in that comfortable happiness that happens at the beginning of summer, where there is always so much to do, but when it comes time to relax, it' possible too. Conversation is so easy because there is less thought about time, for me. There is only floating through an immediate happiness, and I am just enjoying it at this point, ya know. And because of that, I can be confident in what's in store.
