Monday, June 16, 2008

E to B

Last week was pretty hectic, mostly because I worked everyday of the week. Last weekend was fun, we went to go see Death Cab For Cutie/Stars/Rogue Wave/Young Galaxy. It was actually a phenomenal show and at a perfect location.

Yesterday after some wandering we went to go see the Happening. Wow. It is messed up, and really graphic. There are some truly frightening parts and some funny parts. There is an interesting mixture of horror with Mark Wahlberg playing his character from I Heart Huckabees. It was a ride though, i'll say that much. Then we headed off to the Beaver for drinks with friends.

I also just watched Control. It was a really dark film, and the choice to have it all done in black and white added to the melancholy feel to the film. So many things lay unfulfilled in the story, but I guess that is inevitable when dealing with a film that ends in a suicide about the lead singer of Joy Division.

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