Thursday, May 1, 2008

the first full day...

My friend Krista took me out on the town today, which was fun. We went to a really good sushi bar. At said sushi place, i definitely went the wrong way looking for the bathroom and walked through a sketchy area in the basement filled with several different rooms. The waitress literally had to find me wandering, and take me to the washroom.

We then grabbed a beer at The Horseshoe Tavern and then headed to Timothy's to meet up with some cool people. On the street car ride I not only ran into Jordan, some random person was like "you are Tanea right"...i actually don't know how to spell it but she pronounced it Tah-Nee-Uh. We went to Tangos for 10 minutes but Krista left the bar briefly to take a phone call and then couldn't get back in to the bar so we peaced.

ALSO, i discovered a new comic book shop (well new to me) called Labyrinth. The guy was really nice, and helped me fine the volume of Fell and gave me a free magazine. I also went into an Asian film store and picked up 4 movies for 10 bucks (Battle Royale 2, Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance, In The Mood For Love, and Seven Samurai). Most of those films were suggested to me by awesome people so i have a lot of movie watching to do. I have to at some point cancel my account, but not before watching Revenge of The Nerds.

Here is a mix of five songs I adore currently:
1. Becky - Be Your Own Pet
2. The Truth About Cats and Dogs (Is That They Die) - Pony Up!
3. We're From Barcelona - I'm From Barcelona
4. Killer - The Job (i just saw this band at the richmond taven, very good show)
5. Wolves In The Garden - The Deadly Syndrome

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