Sunday, May 4, 2008

"The summer movies are going to be off the chain dog"

Walking down Queen St. West was a little weird today. I was putting up posters for Inside Out which required me to walk a huge portion of the street. I felt a little self-conscious initially because everyone seemed to have that hipster look to them, but all in exactly the same way. I am not too naive to believe I am an individual, but i didn't think I would fit in so well. The problem is, there is nothing comfortable in my opinion about fitting in with thousands of strangers. It's not like I am going to change my style, and I can make use of all the sweet stores a block from my house, but it was certainly an experience.

I went to a bar last night. I met some cool people thanks to Vic, and one big lesson I learned it is that yesterday's scars are tomorrows friendships.

I also watched West Side Story. For the most part, every character in the film is not the least bit attractive, except for the two lead characters. Even then, they have unique qualities, but Natalie Wood definitely looks better in Rebel Without A Cause. Also, I want Action's sweater in the opening sequence.

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