Monday, May 5, 2008


fun was had last night. much fun. Vic and Krista and I hit up O'Grady's to eat some good food and drink some beer. the usual, just a different city. we then went to Slack's for a bit. apparently we were being loud an obnoxious because the table next to us apparently gave us weird looks (unknown to me). One of them said "good luck on your exams" as we were leaving, i think she was trying to take a stab at us. I wish i heard it initially so i could reply "i finished them a week ago!" haha.

today i had to go to the public library to print off my resume. turns out you have to a) wait in line with a 30 minute pass to use the computers and b) pay 20 freaking cents per page. 20 cents, on campus it was 8! ri-diculous. so i decided to print off just one copy and photocopy it for a mere 3 cents a page down the street. my first round of job hunting that followed went okay, though nothing too promising. at Queen Video they did ask me my favorite directors/movies which was exciting. i thought they might but i wasn't totally prepared so i just wrote down 6 of each. hopefully the film degree will help me! haha

ALSO, i had a funny moment at the library. In the film Monkey Business there is a scene where a young kid speaks and has an old man voice, which ends up sounding hilarious. While waiting for a computer there was this kid playing online games. He was dressed in cargo pants and a puffy vest and looked about 10. His mother came to pick him up and she told him his had to end his game. I was expecting a whiny "10 more minutes mom!" voice, but out comes the deepest voice I have heard in a long time. It was like Barry Manilow low. all i can say is that it took a lot for me not to laugh out loud.

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